Work History
Additional Information

Nirjhar Nigam

Associate Professor


Experienced and dedicated Associate Professor in Finance with over 12 years of expertise in higher education. Skilled in teaching a diverse range of finance courses, including Financial Management, Corporate Finance, and ESG issues. Recognized as an accomplished researcher with a strong publication record in reputable finance, economics, and management journals. Proven success in mentoring PhD and master's students, collaborating with international researchers, and fostering team spirit in academic settings. Extensive experience in hybrid teaching, utilizing modern digital tools to enhance student engagement in both online and in-person environments.


years of professional experience

Work History

Associate Professor

ICN ARTEM Business School
9 2012 - Current
  • Teach courses in Finance, including Financial Management, Valuation, Corporate Governance, ESG, and Entrepreneurial Finance
  • Supervise 4 PhD students (2 in second year, 2 recently joined)
  • Mentored 80+ master's theses and numerous undergraduate students
  • Integrate hybrid teaching methods using tools such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Moodle, and Canvas to engage both in-person and online students
  • Teach across different levels, including Bachelor's, Master's, and Executive MBA programs
  • Foster a collaborative research environment, helping colleagues publish in international journals
  • Developed students' critical thinking skills through interactive classroom activities and discussions
  • Kept abreast of advances in pedagogy and work to continuously improve teaching methods and introduce new approaches to instruction
  • Mentored students and advised on career paths, degree requirements and post-graduate education options
  • Integrated real-world examples into lessons, making course content more relevant and engaging for students.

Assistant Professor

ICN ARTEM Business School
01.2012 - 01.2015
  • Teach courses in Finance, including Financial Management, Valuation, Corporate Governance, ESG, and Entrepreneurial Finance
  • Taught courses in Finance for apprentice programs and developed course materials tailored to industry needs
  • Built strong rapport with students through class discussions and academic advisement
  • Evaluated student performance through comprehensive assessments, identifying areas of improvement and providing targeted feedback for growth
  • Evaluated and supervised student activities and performance levels to provide reports on academic progress
  • Performed research to serve as basis for academic writing for publication
  • Revised course objectives, course materials, instructional and assessment strategies for new courses
  • Developed innovative curriculum for interdisciplinary courses, fostering a broader understanding of various subjects for students
  • Identified research opportunities for students, assisting with gathering data and drawing conclusions for projects
  • Established and maintained inclusive, collegial and collaborative culture within classroom
  • Supported multidisciplinary research teams focused on scholarly publication
  • Developed semester outlines and instructional plans for each class session to comply with stated course objectives.

Visiting Professor

01.2011 - 01.2012
  • Delivered Financial Management courses to Master of Management students
  • Assisting Master students in course-work and Master thesis
  • Graded quizzes, tests, homework, and projects to provide students with timely academic progress information and feedback
  • Evaluated student performance regularly, providing timely feedback and support for academic improvement
  • Provided students with constructive, encouraging and corrective feedback
  • Evaluated and supervised student activities and performance levels to provide reports on academic progress.


Ph.D. - Finance And Management

Luxembourg University And Strasbourg University
Luxembourg And France
04.2001 -

Master of Science - Commerce

University of Lucknow
Lucknow, India
04.2001 -

Bachelor of Science - Commerce

RML Avadh University
Faizabad, India
04.2001 -


    Research expertise

    Faculty communication

    Lesson Planning

    Teaching Excellence

    Online Teaching

    Academic Publication


    · NIGAM, N., and K. SHATILA, " Entrepreneurial intention among women entrepreneurs and the mediating effect of dynamic capabilities: empirical evidence from Lebanon?, April 2024, vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 916-937, in International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research in ABS Category 3

    · BENETTI, C., N. NIGAM, A. BOUGHANMI, "Mission-Oriented Approach in Green Economy: A Case Study On Innovation at the Heart of a Development Bank", International Journal of Business Strategy, March 2024, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 5-24 in VHB Category C

    · SHATILA, K., N. NIGAM, C. BENETTI, "The Mediating effect of Governance on Audit Culture, Quality and Control issues", International Journal of Disclosure and Governance, March 2024 in ABS Category 2

    · MBAREK, S., C. BENETTI, N. NIGAM, "Can Women’s Empowerment Reduce Violence from Intimate Partners? A Case of Urban and Rural India", International Journal of Business Research, June 2024, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 25-54 in VHB Category C

    · MBAREK, S., N. NIGAM, C. BENETTI, "Financing Responsible Climate and Societal Action Through Innovation: Leaders for Transformation Case Study of Indian Bank", International Journal of Business Strategy, June 2024, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 53-72 in VHB Category C

    · SHATILA, K., N. NIGAM, C. BENETTI, "Examining the Mediating Effect of Perceived Social Support on The Relationship Between Anxiety and Depression on Employee Productivity: Case of Lebanon", International Journal of Strategic Management, June 2024, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 26-47 in VHB Category C

    · SHATILA, K., N. NIGAM, C. BENETTI, "Corporate governance and board conflict solution: The case of Lebanese family healthcare businesses", Corporate Ownership and Control, June 2024, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 198-208 in VHB Category C

    · NIGAM, N., C.BENETTI, and H. MAVOORI, "Access to venture capital: Does Gender (Still) Really Matter?, Accepted 10th November, 2021, in Strategic change ABS Category 2

    · NIGAM, N., S.MBAREK, A.BOUGHANMI, " Impact of intellectual capital on the financing of startups with new business models, Accepted 5th October, 2020 in Journal of Knowledge Management. ABS Category 2

    · NIGAM, N., and C.BENETTI, Sofia JOHAN, " Digital start-up access to venture capital financing: What signals quality?", Accepted 6th October, 2020, Emerging market Review. ABS Category 2

    · NIGAM, N., S.MBAREK, C.BENETTI, "Can Crowdfunding promote innovation in Wine Industry?", International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, February 2019, vol. 36, no. 3, pp. 335 – 354. ABS Category 2

    · NIGAM, N., R.BLAZY, "Corporate insolvency procedures in England: the uneasy case for liquidations", European Journal of Law and Economics, February 2019, vol. 47, no. 1, pp. 89–123. ABS Category 3

    · NIGAM, N., S.MBAREK, C.BENETTI, "Crowdfunding To Finance Eco-Innovation: Case Studies From Leading Renewable Energy Platforms", Journal of Innovation Economics and Management, May 2018, vol. 2, no. 26, pp. 195-219. CNRS Category 4

    · NIGAM, N., C.BENETTI, S.MBAREK, "Can linking executive compensation to sustainability performance lead to a sustainable business model? Evidence of implementation from enterprises around the world", Strategic Change, December 2018, vol. 27, no. 6, pp. 571-585. ABS Category 2

    · NIGAM, N., A.BOUGHANMI, "Can innovative reforms and practices efficiently resolve financial distress?", Journal of Cleaner Production, January 2017, vol. 140, no. 3, pp. 1860–1871 ABS Category 2

    · BOUGHANMI , A., N.NIGAM, "A Survey of Corporate Bankruptcy Reforms: Lessons to Be Learnt for Worldwide Good Practices", European Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, September 2017, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 7-21

    · BLAZY, R., J.MARTEL, N.NIGAM, "The Choice Between Informal and Formal Restructuring:", Journal of Banking and Finance, July 2014, vol. 44, pp. 248–263. ABS Category 3

    · BLAZY, R., B.CHOPARD, N.NIGAM, "Building legal indexes to explain recovery rates: An analysis of the French and English bankruptcy codes", Journal of Banking and Finance, June 2013, vol. 37, no. 6, pp. 1936-1959. ABS Category 3

    · BOUGHANMI, A., N.NIGAM, "A Review of Bankruptcy Literature: A Law and Finance Approach", Revue de l'Organisation Responsable, March 2013, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 67-79. CNRS Category 4

    Chapters in Books

    · NIGAM, N., "China versus India: Emerging Giants in the World Economy" in The China Business Model., Elisabeth Paulet and Chris Rowley Ed., Chandos Publishing, chap. 10, 2017

    · BOUGHANMI , A., N.NIGAM, "Law and Finance" in Encyclopedia of Law and Economics., Alain Marciano & Giovanni Battista Ramello Ed., Springer International Publishing, pp. 1-18, 2016



Additional Information

· NIGAM, N., SHATILA. K, "Entrepreneurial Intention Among Women Entrepreneurs and the Mediating Effect of Dynamic Capabilities: Empirical Evidence from Lebanon " Academy of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Conference. June 2023, Madrid, Spain

· NIGAM, N., SHATILA. K, "Entrepreneurial Intention Among Women Entrepreneurs and the Mediating Effect of Dynamic Capabilities: Empirical Evidence from Lebanon " European Financial Management Association. 2023, Cardiff, United Kingdom

· NIGAM, N., MAVOORI, H., BADE M., JOHAN S., " Does Entrepreneur Gender Diversity Matter? The Connection between Networks, Financing and Performance in the Context of Digital Startups DIFE Conference, Montreal, Canada July 3-4, 2023.

· NIGAM, N., S.MBAREK, Thi Hong Phu Le Flecher, " Current trends in Accounting for digital/crypto-assets: An empirical analysis of accounting practices from UK, US, Canada and Europe DIFE Conference, Montreal, Canada July 3-4, 2023.

· NIGAM, N., SHATILA. K, "Entrepreneurship Orientation and Startup Intention: A Mediating Moderating Research in Lebanon " Vietnam Symposuim in Entrepreneurship, Finance and Innovation . 2023, Hanoi, Vietnam.

· N. NIGAM, BENETTI, C. and Sondes Mbarek "Decarbonization, Decentralization and Digitalization: From knowledge to implementation the role of Startups in Energy Transition" in The 4th Edition of Ethical Finance and Sustainability (EFS) Conference (EFS-2022), jointly organized by the EDC Paris Business School and CY Paris Cergy University, on 12-13 May 2022 at the EDC Paris Business School, Paris, (France).

· N. NIGAM, BENETTI, C., A. BOUGHANAMI, "Sustainable Finance: Opportunities and Challenges for Development Banks" in ARTEMOCC – 4th edition, Artem organizational creativity & sustainability International conference, 2022, Nancy, France.

· NIGAM, N., S. MBAREK, "Financing Responsible Climate and Societal Action through Innovation Leaders for Transformation: Case study of Indian Bank" in ARTEMOCC – 4th Edition, Artem organizational creativity & sustainability International conference, 2022, Nancy, France

· NIGAM, N., C. BENETTI, A. BOUGHANMI, "Finance durable : opportunités et défis au Brésil" in Artem organizational creativity & sustainability International conference, 2022, Nancy, France

· NIGAM, N., S.MBAREK, A. BOUGHANMI, "Betting on the horse or the jockey? The signals for venture capital financing of healthcare startups from India: World Finance Conference September 2020, held virtually.

· NIGAM, N., S.MBAREK, A. BOUGHANMI, "Characteristics of founders of healthcare startups: A study of emerging healthcare startups from India" KEDGE Business School, les IRTS PACA-Corse et Nouvelle Aquitaine : des colloques pour comprendre l’écosystème de la santé par un regard pluridisciplinaire. 2019, Marseille, France

· NIGAM, N., C.BENETTI, "TRANSFORMING INDIA DIGITALLY: Financing of young innovative startups from India" Conference Digital, Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Financing (DIF 2018). 2018, Lyon, France

· NIGAM, N., C.BENETTI, S.MBAREK, "Financing innovation in wake of Global Financial Crisis? A survey from Germany, France, Spain and Italy" Conference Digital, Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Financing (DIF 2018). 2018, Lyon, France

· BENETTI, C., N.NIGAM, "The role of founders for impacting entrepreneurial activity in emerging eco-system: Evidence from digital startups from India" G-Forum 2018 - 2nd Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Entrepreneurship, Innovation and SMEs. 2018, Stuttgart, Germany

· NIGAM, N., C.BENETTI, S.MBAREK, "Linking executive compensation to sustainability performance: evidence of implementation from enterprises around the world" 2nd ARTEM Organizational Creativity and Sustainability International conference (ARTEM OCC). 2017, Nancy

· NIGAM, N., C.BENETTI, S.MBAREK, "Can Crowdfunding open new channel of financing for renewable energy: A study of emerging crowdfunding platforms for US, UK, Netherlands" 1st Workshop on Crowdfunding. 2017, Paris

· NIGAM, N., C.BENETTI, S.MBAREK, "Can crowdfunding open the doors of innovation for wine industry? evidence from US, UK, France and Australia" 1st international workshop on innovations in the wine industry. 2016, Montpellier, France

· NIGAM, N., A.BOUGHANMI, "Survey of Insolvency reforms" 3rd International Meeting in Law & Economics. 2016, Paris, France

· NIGAM, N., R.BLAZY, "Determinants of choice between Liquidation and Reorganization" Bankruptcy institutions, corporate insolvency and entrepreneurship Workshop. 2016, Paris, France

· MBAREK, S., N.NIGAM, C.BENETTI, "Can linking executive compensation to sustainability performance lead to a better tomorrow ?" 7th international research meeting in Business and management. 2016, Nice, France

· BENETTI, C., S.MBAREK, N.NIGAM, "Can linking executive compensation to sustainability performance lead to a better tomorrow?" MESD Conference. 2015, Lisbonne, Portugal

· MBAREK, S., C.BENETTI, N.NIGAM, "Does the climate change impact the investors income ? Empirical evidence from fluctuation in wine prices" MESD Conference. 2015, Lisbonne, Portugal

· NIGAM, N., C.BENETTI, S.MBAREK, " Can Crowdfunding open new channel of financing for renewable energy: A study of emerging crowdfunding platforms for US, UK, Netherlands" MESD Conference. 2015, Lisbonne, Portugal

· NIGAM, N., "Resolution of financial distress through creative and innovative methods" ARTEMOCC Conference. 2015, Nancy, France

· NIGAM, N., R.BLAZY, "Determinants of choice between Liquidation and Reorganization" International workshop on Corporate Bankruptcy. 2015, Torino, Italy

· NIGAM, N., R.BLAZY, "Determinants of liquidation and Reorganization : Empirical evidence from UK and France ?" Midwest Finance Association 2014 Annual Meeting (MFA). 2014, Orlando, United States of America

· BLAZY, R., J.MARTEL, N.NIGAM, "The Choice between Informal and Formal Restructuring : The Case of French Banks Facing Distressed SMEs" 23rd Annual Meeting of the American Law and Economics Association (ALEA). 2013, Nashville

· NIGAM, N., A.BOUGHANAMI, R.JONWALL, "Search for a Sustainable Bankruptcy Procedure" third Multinational Enterprises and Sustainable Development International Conference (MESD). 2012, New Delhi, India







Bilingual or Proficient (C2)
Bilingual or Proficient (C2)
Intermediate (B1)


Prompt Engineering in Finance


Playing Badminton

Playing Cricket


Exploring and Cruising

Bollywood Movies


Prompt Engineering in Finance


Financial Analysis


Financial Modelling


Assistant Professor

ICN ARTEM Business School
01.2012 - 01.2015

Visiting Professor

01.2011 - 01.2012

Ph.D. - Finance And Management

Luxembourg University And Strasbourg University
04.2001 -

Master of Science - Commerce

University of Lucknow
04.2001 -

Bachelor of Science - Commerce

RML Avadh University
04.2001 -

Associate Professor

ICN ARTEM Business School
9 2012 - Current
Nirjhar NigamAssociate Professor